Enneagram 5 - the Investigator
We are drawn to Type Fives because they have a depth of knowledge and willingly share their understandings with others for everyone’s better
Enneagram 5 - the Investigator
Enneagram 8 - the Protector
Enneagram 6 - the Loyal Skeptic
Enneagram 7 - the Enthusiast
Enneagram 2 - the Helper
Enneagram 9 - the Peacemaker
Enneagram 1 - the Reformer
Enneagram 3 - the Achiever
Enneagram 4 - the Individualist
How can I use the Enneagram at work?
Does your Enneagram Type change?
What are Enneagram wings?
What are the nine Enneagram Types?
How do I figure out my Enneagram Number?
What is the Enneagram?